Sony Ericsson Black Diamond
Ceea ce parea doar un concept devine realitate.
VIPN va produce un numar de 5 unitati din telefonul SonyEricsson“Black Diamond” semnat de designerul
Jaren Goh. Acesta va costa 300.000$ si va fi disponibil din 2007.
BMW E63 CLR 600
adidas cucereste Anglia

Incepand din acest sezon adidas va fi furnizorul oficial de echipament pentru Liverpool si Chelsea, doua dintre cele mai puternice cluburi din Anglia
adidas se intoarce la Liverpool
stripes are back

adidas produced
Liverpool's kit between 1985 and 1996 and the new strips hark back to the glory days when adidas first supplied
Liverpool FC.
liverpool home shirt 1994-95
liverpool home shirt 1995-1996
Motorola RIZR

• Thin, narrow slider with a multi-modal design and rich colors, materials and finish
• 2.0 MP camera with a fixed lens, full screen viewfinder with high intensity camera light, frame center and status icons
• Supported audio formats: MP3, AAC, AAC+, and AAC+ Enhanced• 20 MB of on-board user memory and MicroSD memory slot for up to 1 GB of extra storage for music, pictures and other media
• USB 2.0 connectivity for file transfers and data access• Video capture and playback
• Quad-Band (GPRS/EDGE) functionality**
• Display: 1.9 inches, 176 x 220 TFT (262k colors)• Messaging via MMS, SMS, EMS, Email, IM***
• Mobile Phone Tools support for PC synch of phonebook, contacts, and media
• Integrated Bluetooth wireless technology* (A2DP- Stereo) for hands-free connectivity with compatible stereo Bluetooth-enabled devices
liveSTRONG este o organizatie caritabila care asigura suport oamenilor bolnavi de cancer. A fost infiintata in 1997 de ciclistul american Lance Armstrong si oameni care au reusit sa invinga cancerul.

liveSTRONG shop
Lance Armstrong Bike

The Lance Armstrong Bike was a motorcycle built by Orange County Choppers on the American reality television show American Chopper. After a visit to Nike headquarters, the American Chopper crew sets out to build a bike honoring (then) five-time winner of the Tour de France, Lance Armstrong, and his Livestrong Foundation.
Inca un american castiga "Tour de France"

Floyd Landis (
Phonak Team) castiga Turul Frantei 2006 si continua suprematia americana in Marea Bucla, inceputa de Lance Armstrong in 1999.
New Arsenal Emirates Stadium

Arsenal inaugureaza noul stadion "Emirate Stadium" cu un amical in compania lui Ajax Amsterdam.Primul meci pe acest stadion este si ultimul meci pentru Dennis Bergkamp.

DINAMO BUCURESTI Prezentare echipament 2006/07