welcome vodafone
bye-bye CONNEX

african football supplier
Land Rover Goes Beyond
Tennis star Maria Sharapova is one of several Land Rover drivers featured on a new website dedicated to "the spirit of adventure". Called Go Beyond, it's a lifestyle site which includes the first broadband TV channel ever created. Content comes from many sources, including the Discovery Channel, Born Free, Biosphere Exhibitions, the Royal Geographical Society and Land Rover's own One Life customer magazine.
Maria Sharapovahas been hailed as a national icon and partners with Colgate-Palmolive, Nike, Prince, Motorola, Canon, Tag Heuer and many more.She win 21 mil. $/year from publicity.
Colectia de succes Ursus
Ursus anunta lansarea unei promotii care pune in circulatie colectii de sase pahare cu autograful unor personalitati ca Virgil Iantu, Paula Seling, Helmut Duckadam, Dan Puric, Irina Schrotter si Mihai Leu.
Campania "Colectia de succes Ursus" se desfasoara intre 15 aprilie-28 iunie, perioada in care se vor distribui 240.000 de pahare in valoare de 300 de mii de euro.
Emerson şi Trezeguet la Bucuresti

Adrian Mutu i-a adus in Romania in week-end pe colegii sai de la
Juventus Torino brazilianul Emerson şi francezul Trezeguet.
Momentul Adevarului

Fostul SPP-ist Ciprian Sora l-a învins sîmbătă seară pe boduguardul lui Gigi Becali, Cătălin Zmărăndescu, după cea mai aşteptată luptă din istoria artelor marţiale din România. Pumni, picioare, sînge. Chiar dacă unora dintre iubitorii fenomenului "Local Kombat" lupta li s-a părut prea tacticizată, cei doi gladiatori spun că au dat tot ce au putut. Seara de sîmbătă nu va fi uitată de cei doi.
Coca Cola bottle

Early Coca-Cola bottle style from 1899.
NIKE il pierde pe Thierry Henry

Thierry Henry renunta la
NIKE si semeaza un contract pe cinci ani cu
Reebok. Colaborarea intre Reebok Henry va incepe la 01 august dupa terminarea Campionatului Mondial.
Aventurile viitoarei familii Columbeanu

Incepand de marti 25 aprilie, timp de patru luni, ii putem urmari pe B1 TV pe Iri si Monica intr-un reality-show.
Impossible Team
adidas announces the launch of its global football advertising campaign “Impossible Team” for the 2006 FIFA World Cup™ in Germany featuring the world’s best footballers from the past and present. The new TV campaign tells the story of two kids picking their all-time greatest football team. The campaign celebrates the magic of team and features many of today’s greatest players such as Zinédine Zidane, David Beckham, Michael Ballack, Kaká, Frank Lampard, Arjen Robben, Juan Román Riquelme and Raúl combined with football heroes from the past such as Franz Beckenbauer and Michel Platini. The first of the new commercials will premiere on April 4 and 5 during the UEFA Champions League quarter-finals.
80% Muhammad Ali = 50.000.000 $

Muhammad Ali, one of the world's most recognized people, has sold 80 percent of the marketing rights to his name and likeness to a firm for $50 million.
The 64-year-old former heavyweight champion, who suffers from Parkinson's disease, will retain a 20 percent interest in the business. The new venture will be operated by a company called G.O.A.T. LLC, an acronym for "The Greatest of All Time."
Ali and wife Lonnie are expected to work with CKX, Inc. to market his interests around the world.
BNR va tipari bancnota de 200 de lei

Pe 1 decembrie
banca nationala va pune in circulatie bancnota de 200 de lei noi (2.000.000 de lei vechi.
Argumente pentru punerea in circulatie:
- valoarea intermediara intre 100 lei si 500 lei, reprezentand echivalentul a 56 EURO
(la actualul curs de schimb)
- nivelul mediu al retragerilor de numerar prin ATM-uri este 270 lei/tranzactie
- obisnuirea populatiei cu structura insemnelor euro in perspetiva adoptarii monedei unice europene
Audi's new TT

Paris and Nicky Hilton cartoon sketches

Paris and Nicky Hilton are making a cartoon TV show about their lives in the style of The Simpsons, and have spoken to Interscope boss Ted Fields who will make the series and hopes to air it on US television.
Aston Martin Nokia 8800

This unique piece of motoring memorabilia was given to Top Gear at the launch of the V8 Vantage last year and comes with its own presentation case, plus a hands-free earpiece and steel charger cradle.
"Pepsifest" revine in pauza meciului Steaua - Rapid

Cu o saptamana in urma, in pauza partidei Rapid - Steaua, din sferturile de finala ale Cupei UEFA, transmisa de Antena 1, a fost difuzat in premiera ultimul spot Pepsi, intitulat "Pepsifest".Echipa de vis Pepsi 2006 ii are in componenta pe Fernando Torres, Robert Huth, Raúl Gonzalez Blanco, Frank Lampard, Thierry Henry, David Beckham, Ronaldinho, Roberto Carlos, Alessandro Nesta, Hernan Crespo, Raphael Van Der Vaart.
Pentru acest spot, Pepsi a lansat site-ul
noul renault clio
meciul mileniul

netBridge si Connex Vodafone va prezinta pentru prima oara in Romania, LIVE pe Internet, cel mai important eveniment fotbalistic la http://www.meciulmileniului.ro/

Banel Nicolita va juca de acum cu ghete NIKE “Mercurial Vapor”, model folosit şi de jucători precum Ronaldo, Ibrahimovici sau Thierry Henry.
(chiar daca tin cu
DINAMO baiatul asta merita tot respectul )

born from jets
new adidas t-shirt

romanian football team home kit